Introduction : Why Eish Travel?

Roy & Nikki

Welcome Eish Travel, the corner of the internet that will be chronicling Nikki & Roy’s travel experiences. We hope that you will stick around and read through our blog entries and/or subscribe to follow us on our journey. To our friends ‘tuning in’ we hope you enjoy and we don’t make you too envious. Maybe just enough to inspire?

For myriad of reasons we’ve had to put off our dream of seeing the world together. But in 2017  we will finally be embarking on our first adventure to a foreign land as a couple. As a start we are going to explore three ‘must see’ cities London, Paris and Venice on a three week European tour… on a shoestring budget.

Nikki, a teacher and Roy, an IT professional, are a married couple with two children currently living in Cape Town, South Africa. Both of us are working adults in our forties (to be kind only just in Nikki’s case) so it’s fair to say our focuses, inclinations & expectations differ from those travelling in their teens or twenties.

This blog aims to highlight pre-trip information and tips we have found, our planning highs and lows, as well as journal our experiences once we actually pack up and leave the comfort home. There are so many travel blogs written by young trendy twenty somethings that highlight places and activities that we either would love to do but can’t or quite frankly have no desire to try.  We hope that other travel virgins at a similar life stage to ourselves will find some use and inspiration in our posts here at Eish!! Travel.

So why Eish? Eish (pronounced ‘aysh’) is a South African colloquialism ‘used to express surprise, wonder, frustration or outrage.’ We expect that there are going to be many ‘Eish’ moments both as we plan and organise as well as when we are on our journey. Where better to share our surprises, express our wonder, vent our frustrations or declare our outrage than in the pages of Eish!! Travel?


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