Overslept this morning which isn’t the best. We were messaged that we needed to be down at 9:15 to sign something but we were sleeping and only woke up at 9:00. This meant we had to get ready in 15min and had another 15min before we left. Luckily all was good and we left on […]
Czech Republic
Hot, hot and hotter

It was so nice to have a little lie in this morning before heading out to explore Prague. By 9 o’clock it was already 28 degrees and so we didn’t stay out too long. It reached a high of 36 degrees today and this evening it was still over 30, so rather warm. We took […]
Austria to Czech Republic

Today was another travel day. We headed for Prague early this morning. Before crossing the border we stopped at Mauthausen Concentration Camp. We spent a long time wandering around. You were able to walk through various barracks and see how the prisoners used to live. You could walk through the infirmary and crematoriums where their […]