It was so nice to not have to rush out this morning and to enjoy a little lie in. We woke up to very overcast weather, knowing the rain was due sometime during the day. The weather forecast kept changing so it really was a waiting game. We headed for a local shopping mall to have a look around and did get caught in a light shower.
We then headed for Old Town in Pula which is the main part of the town and where all the Roman ruins are. After a yummy pasta for lunch, we took a stroll through the streets and had a look at all the little shops.
We stumbled on a beautiful fountain that had a 3D map of Pula. It was so detailed and interesting to look at. Further down the road we found some Roman ruins and benches dedicated to famous people. I only knew two – Mark Twain and Oscar Wilde – the rest were in Croatian. That’s what I love most about walking around. There are so many quirky things you discover.
We had light showers throughout the day but it was perfect walking weather. On the way back to the hotel we could hear the thunder and saw the lightening in the distance. We thought we would make it back in time but about 200m from the hotel, the heavens opened and it was a dash for cover. I ended off the day with a beautiful rainbow before the rain came down again yet again.
Unfortunately missed out on a swim but it will just give me an excuse to come back. Off to Slovenia tomorrow. Looking forward to it. Dovidenja!

Collette is a foundation phase teacher at a prominent boys’ school in Cape Town, South Africa. After 4 years of University and into her 2nd year of teaching, she has decided it’s time to see the world.